Simple Easter Shop Window Displays for Baby Shop
When talking about Easter Day props, we might think of colored eggs and rabbits. Generally, egg props are made of fiberglass or resin material, and rabbits are downy dolls. But here in the below shop window, designer chooses a simple but innovative way to show a Easter Window Display by using rabbit dolls and printing rabbits.
As Easter Day is in Spring season, the Easter shop window displays say Hello Spring and print green grass on the bottom with some small cute rabbits standing on the grass and rising head.
In the window, besides of BEABA, there shows sleep products and baby stroller of REDCASTLE brand as well.
These are baby supplies of REDCASTLE, baby bed and sleeping bag for visual display.
Above are some simple window display props for Easter Days. But if you like more Easter decorative props, like eggs, rabbit statues which are made of fiberglass or resin, DM Window Display will make it for you as per your requests.
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